
or :: [ Function ] → a → Boolean

Takes a list of validators [validators][validators] then returns a new function that receives a value vv(of any type) and reports whether the vv is valid for at least one of the previously defined [validators][validators].

It is largely used within the library itself to evaluate or conditions:

import or from './or';
import isBigInt from './isBigInt';
import isString from './isString';
import isFunction from './isFunction';
import isBoolean from './isBoolean';
import isNumber from './isNumber';
import isSymbol from './isSymbol';
import isUndefined from './isUndefined';
import isNull from './isNull';

 * Receives a value and reports whether it is a primitive of not
 * @type {function(*=): boolean}
const isPrimitive = or(isString, isFunction, isBoolean, isNumber, isBigInt, isSymbol, isNull, isUndefined);

export default isPrimitive;

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